Home Technology Helldivers 2 Director: Games Must ‘Earn the Right to Monetize’

Helldivers 2 Director: Games Must ‘Earn the Right to Monetize’

Helldivers 2 Director: Games Must ‘Earn the Right to Monetize’

Helldivers 2, a game from developer Arrowhead Studios, has had a massive weekend after its release, making it Sony’s biggest ever PC launch. The game takes a different approach to monetization, with microtransactions in the form of Super Credits that can be picked up while playing or unlocked through the Warbonds progression system. Unlike its competitors, Helldivers 2 does not force players to pay for premium currency, making it a refreshing option for players looking for a new service game.

Creative director Johan Pilestedt stated that “you have to earn the right to monetize,” emphasizing the game’s commitment to providing value and not forcing anyone to pay. The game has been well-received by PlayStation players, offering a combination of solid service and compelling shooter gameplay. Despite some server-side issues, there is potential for longevity with Arrowhead’s ambitious roadmap, making Helldivers 2 a game to watch in the coming months.

Overall, Helldivers 2 has been a significant success for Sony, standing out in the industry for its unique approach to monetization. The game’s blend of cooperative shooter gameplay and player-friendly monetization methods has garnered positive feedback, positioning it as a game worth returning to in the future. With the potential of overcoming launch obstacles, Helldivers 2 has the opportunity to establish a lasting presence in the gaming community as a high-value service game with player-friendly monetization options.

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