Home Technology Turning off Facebook newsfeed sound: A simple guide in 13 words

Turning off Facebook newsfeed sound: A simple guide in 13 words

Turning off Facebook newsfeed sound: A simple guide in 13 words

The newest Facebook update on iPhones brought about a new sound that occurs while scrolling through your newsfeed. Although the intention behind the sound is to make scrolling more engaging and interesting, many users may find it distracting or annoying. For those who want to turn off the sound, it can be done by opening the Facebook app, tapping on the three horizontal lines in the bottom-right corner to open the menu, scrolling down, tapping on “Settings & Privacy,” selecting “Settings,” and then finding “Media.” Under “Sounds,” you can toggle off the switch next to “In-App Sounds.”

Aside from addressing the newly introduced sound, the article also highlights the impact of social media on adolescent mental health. Kids are spending more time than ever on social media, which has been shown to impact their mental health, sleep, and overall well-being. The younger generation is watching their peers become influencers and making millions of dollars, leading to unrealistic expectations. In addition, social media can result in feelings of inadequacy and negatively impact self-esteem when people compare their lives to the seemingly perfect lives of others.

In order to mitigate the negative impacts of social media, it’s essential for parents to engage in conversations with their children and create a family plan that includes input from the kids. All screens are not created equal, and it’s crucial for parents to navigate the use of video games, screen time, and social media. By creating family plans and discussing values and expectations, parents can foster a better understanding of the role of social media and technology in their children’s lives.

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