Home Latest News Trump Slams Biden, Dems, and Automakers in Detroit Suburbs over Electric Vehicles

Trump Slams Biden, Dems, and Automakers in Detroit Suburbs over Electric Vehicles

Trump Slams Biden, Dems, and Automakers in Detroit Suburbs over Electric Vehicles

Former President Donald Trump criticized President Biden, Democrats, and the big three automakers over electric cars in a speech in the Detroit suburbs. Speaking at an auto parts manufacturer and supplier, Trump voiced his support for auto workers and their contributions to the country. He argued that automakers were “stupid or gutless” for investing in electric cars, claiming they don’t go far enough and are too expensive. Trump also attacked President Biden’s record on auto manufacturing and workers, accusing him of assassinating the industry and allowing car production to move to China.

During his speech, Trump also addressed the United Auto Workers (UAW) union members who were striking in 20 states. He expressed hope that UAW and other union leaders would endorse him, despite their tendency to endorse Democrats. Trump’s visit to Michigan came before Biden’s, and he criticized Biden’s brief visit to the UAW picket line. The Democratic National Committee set up anti-Trump billboards in Detroit, and the Biden campaign released an ad in Michigan attacking Trump as anti-union. The Trump campaign dismissed Biden’s visit as a “PR stunt” to distract from his economic policies.

Trump has been consistently criticizing Biden’s support for electric vehicles, while Biden has been taking steps to transition the country towards EVs. Despite not participating in the second GOP presidential debate, Trump’s poll numbers remain strong, and his Republican challengers are trailing behind him. The debate was referred to as a “jobs” debate by Trump, who joked about the candidates vying for a place in his cabinet. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis said Trump should show up and debate to provide voters with the opportunity to hear from all the candidates.

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