Samsung has announced that its Galaxy S22 and Galaxy S21 devices, along with other select flagship smartphones, will soon be receiving new AI features. In a forum post from Korea, a Samsung employee confirmed that the One UI 6.1 update will bring Galaxy AI features to a range of devices from both the 2022 and 2021 lineups. This expansion of AI capabilities will not be available on lower-tier devices like the Galaxy S21 FE and Galaxy Tab S8 FE.
The upcoming Galaxy AI features will be introduced through the One UI 6.1 update, with a scheduled release date in early May. The AI enhancements will include functions like Circle to Search and “Magic Rewrite” (likely a translation error for Generative Edit), offering users a more intelligent and intuitive experience on their Samsung smartphones. Devices eligible for these new AI features include the Galaxy S22 series, Galaxy Z Fold 4, Galaxy Z Flip 4, and the Galaxy Tab S8 lineup.
While not all Galaxy AI features will be available on the 2022 and 2021 flagship devices, this update marks a significant expansion of AI capabilities across Samsung’s smartphone lineup. Users of devices like the Galaxy S21 Ultra and Galaxy Z Fold 3 can look forward to more advanced AI functions, enhancing the overall user experience on these high-end smartphones. With Samsung’s commitment to bringing AI enhancements to more devices, the future looks promising for those looking to leverage the power of artificial intelligence in their smartphones.