Home Latest News Republican candidates in absence of frontrunner Trump engage in heated debate on each other.

Republican candidates in absence of frontrunner Trump engage in heated debate on each other.

Republican candidates in absence of frontrunner Trump engage in heated debate on each other.

In a chaotic presidential debate, Republican candidates clashed over various issues, including the absent former president, Joe Biden, and each other. However, none of the candidates were able to make a significant impact or gain a breakout moment that could change the dynamics of the primary race, which has been dominated by Donald Trump. While Trump did not participate in the debate, his rivals took the opportunity to criticize his record and absence. Ron DeSantis, the Governor of Florida, called out Trump for being “missing in action” and for adding trillions of dollars to the national debt. Other candidates, such as Chris Christie and Mike Pence, also criticized Trump for skipping the debate.

The debate also saw frequent attacks on Joe Biden, the presumptive Democratic nominee. Republican candidates criticized Biden’s handling of the economy and the situation at the southern border with Mexico. However, the majority of the evening was spent with the candidates attacking one another, with entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy, a political newcomer, receiving criticism from his more experienced opponents. Despite the attempts to weaken Trump’s hold on the primary campaign, the former president’s commanding lead in the polls has made it challenging for his rivals to catch up. The moderators did not address Trump’s legal problems during the debate, but it is clear that he remains focused on Biden rather than his Republican challengers.

Immigration was a key focus of the debate, with all candidates vowing to take a strong approach and criticizing the Biden administration for its handling of the migrant crisis at the southern border. DeSantis promised to deploy the U.S. military against Mexican cartels, while Ramaswamy proposed revoking birthright citizenship for the children of those who entered the country illegally. Additionally, the candidates expressed support for continued aid to Ukraine, with DeSantis cautioning against giving a “blank check” and Ramaswamy arguing that supporting Ukraine was pushing Russia closer to China. Overall, the debate did not produce a standout moment that could significantly impact the primary race, leaving Trump’s dominance largely unchallenged.

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