Home Latest News Nevada Democratic and GOP presidential primaries

Nevada Democratic and GOP presidential primaries

Nevada Democratic and GOP presidential primaries

The Nevada primaries are underway, with polls closing at 7 p.m. PT. On the Democratic side, President Joe Biden is on the ballot along with other candidates, while on the Republican side, Donald Trump is the only major candidate on the ballot. The caucus and primary will allocate delegates to the respective party conventions, with a total of 36 delegates at stake for the Democrats and 26 delegates for the Republicans.

For the Democrats, the Nevada primary will play a crucial role in allocating delegates to the national convention. President Joe Biden is facing competition from other candidates, including Marianne Williamson. On the Republican side, Donald Trump is expected to easily win the state’s 26 delegates in the caucuses.

It is important to note that the caucus and primary are separate events for each party, with the state-run presidential primary not affecting the delegate allocation for the Republican National Convention. With the presidential race heating up, all eyes are on Nevada as the outcome of the primaries will have a significant impact on the delegate count for both parties.

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