Home Technology Google developing two different sizes for Pixel Watch 3.

Google developing two different sizes for Pixel Watch 3.

Google developing two different sizes for Pixel Watch 3.

Google is looking to address the size complaints about its Pixel Watch, with two different sizes in development for the upcoming Pixel Watch 3. The current Pixel Watch has a diameter of 41mm and a thickness of 12.3mm, which, while suitable for some users, is too small for others. A larger watch case will not only address the size issue, but also allow for better specs, a larger battery, more room for sensors, and larger displays which can greatly enhance the user’s experience. There are no plans yet to have different functionality between the two sizes, other than a larger battery and screen size.

The introduction of a larger variant of the Pixel Watch aims to address the main complaint about its size, as some users have chosen Samsung watches instead because the Pixel Watch is too small for their liking. While the size of wearables may not be a significant issue for some, it is important for others, and a larger case size will cater to those preferences. Google is expected to minimize the bezel and incorporate a larger screen in the smaller model as well, and questions remain about the compatibility of existing bands with the new larger size given the curvature.

It is clear that Google is making an effort to offer a more diverse and accommodating range of wearables by addressing the size issue of the Pixel Watch. This move comes as Samsung and Apple already offer multiple size options for their smartwatches, and Google’s introduction of a larger variant aims to level the playing field and cater to a wider user base. Whether the changes will help make the Pixel Watch a more attractive option for users who found it too small remains to be seen, but it is clear that Google is working to improve its wearables and meet the needs of a broader audience.

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