Home Latest News Gaetz’s feud with McCarthy may deprive Dems of kingmaker role.

Gaetz’s feud with McCarthy may deprive Dems of kingmaker role.

Gaetz’s feud with McCarthy may deprive Dems of kingmaker role.

Republican Rep. Matt Gaetz has been approaching Democrats on the House floor in an attempt to gain support for an effort to oust Speaker Kevin McCarthy. Gaetz has been criticizing McCarthy’s leadership and calling for new leadership that keeps their word and adheres to regular order. Gaetz has suggested veteran Republican Rep. Tom Cole and House GOP Whip Tom Emmer as potential alternatives to McCarthy. Other Republicans, including moderates and pragmatic members, have also been working with Democrats to save McCarthy from a potential removal vote and to avoid a government shutdown. Democrats now find themselves in a position of power, with their votes up for grabs, and are considering their asking price for saving McCarthy or teaming up to oust him. However, Democratic leaders are advising caution and not committing to a stance on McCarthy’s speakership, as they do not want to risk major ramifications for the House and their party. Gaetz would need the support of most, if not all, House Democrats to succeed in removing McCarthy, but the conversations are still in a preliminary stage. Democrats say they will not offer their help without serious concessions in return. There are also disagreements among Democrats on whether it is better to make a deal with McCarthy or take a chance on an unknown alternative candidate. Some Democrats believe that McCarthy has violated their trust and therefore cannot be saved. Ultimately, the decision will depend on whether Democrats are willing to side with Gaetz to oust McCarthy or save him from a removal vote, and what concessions they can secure in return.

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