Home Business Couple shells out $1,600 monthly for 1-bedroom apartment in Brooklyn.

Couple shells out $1,600 monthly for 1-bedroom apartment in Brooklyn.

Couple shells out $1,600 monthly for 1-bedroom apartment in Brooklyn.

Vionna Wai and her husband Chucky Hui live in a two-family home in Bensonhurst, Brooklyn, with his parents, where they pay $1,600 a month for their own apartment on the second floor. They share the space with 150 houseplants and two cats, creating a unique living arrangement that combines nature and family. Wai finds solace in taking care of her plants, which helps her stay present and relaxed amidst the hustle and bustle of daily life.

Despite the growing trend of millennials living with their parents, Wai and Hui stand out due to their extensive plant collection and furry companions. Wai, a construction engineer, and Hui, a UX designer, spend quality time nurturing their plants, which serves as a form of self-care and stress relief. The couple’s home is a sanctuary where they can unwind and recharge, surrounded by greenery and the soothing presence of their pets.

Wai’s plant care routine involves spending just 30 minutes a week tending to her plants, watering them and ensuring their well-being. The couple has created a special area for their cats, Mi and Ding, to coexist peacefully with the plants, using cat repellent and keeping toxic plants out of reach. Looking ahead, Wai dreams of owning a greenhouse one day, where she can further indulge her passion for plants and create a serene living space inspired by the countryside lifestyle she envisions.

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