Home Latest News Biden taunts MAGA Republicans with Super Bowl tweet.

Biden taunts MAGA Republicans with Super Bowl tweet.

Biden taunts MAGA Republicans with Super Bowl tweet.

President Biden tweeted a meme joking about the conspiracy theories regarding Taylor Swift including the supposed rigged NFL playoffs in favor of the Kansas City Chiefs after their win in the Super Bowl. Some theories suggested that this was all set up to facilitate an endorsement of Biden by Swift, though there is no evidence to support this. Despite the absurdity of the conspiracy theories, they gained traction after the New York Times reported that Biden was seeking an endorsement from Swift.

On Monday’s episode of “Morning Joe,” MSNBC host Joe Scarborough characterized Biden’s tweet as the President mocking the conspiracy theorists. Other news coming out of the Super Bowl Sunday includes Biden’s campaign debut on TikTok, where the first video shows him answering questions about the game without picking sides, but jokingly hinting at the possibility that there might have been some plotting involved.

President Biden’s tweet poking fun of the conspiracy theories around Taylor Swift and the NFL following the Super Bowl win of the Kansas City Chiefs has been interpreted as a playful dig at the MAGA supporters propounding the unproven theories. The tweet is a response to increasing rumors, despite zero evidence, that the NFL rigged the playoffs to benefit the Chiefs and that it was all part of a larger strategy to ensure that Taylor Swift would then endorse Joe Biden. The unfounded claims continued gaining attention after reports came out that Biden sought Swift’s endorsement. Biden also launched his campaign on TikTok alongside a video of him jokingly toying with questions related to the Super Bowl.

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