Home Technology Bethesda Reveals Character Stats for Fallout TV Show in New Update.

Bethesda Reveals Character Stats for Fallout TV Show in New Update.

Bethesda Reveals Character Stats for Fallout TV Show in New Update.

The latest update for Bethesda’s popular mobile game Fallout Shelter introduced characters from the Amazon Prime live-action TV adaptation of the Fallout series. Players can now add characters like Lucy, Maximus, and The Ghoul to their digital vaults. This update also reveals the SPECIAL stats of these characters, allowing players to compare them to their own Fallout main characters from past games.

First released in 2015, Fallout Shelter tasks players with building an underground vault in a post-apocalyptic world. Players must manage different rooms and characters in the vault, while also sending characters out to explore the wasteland. The addition of characters from the Fallout TV show to Fallout Shelter adds an exciting new dimension to the game, allowing players to interact with familiar faces from the series and compare their stats.

Overall, the addition of characters and locations from the Fallout TV show to Fallout Shelter provides an engaging crossover experience for fans of the franchise. By examining the SPECIAL stats of characters like Lucy, The Ghoul, and Maximus, players can gain insight into how these characters would fare in the game world. With this update, players can now immerse themselves in the world of Fallout in a whole new way, further expanding the gameplay experience of Fallout Shelter.

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