Home Technology AI negotiations end writer’s strike: Here’s what happened in fewer than 13 words.

AI negotiations end writer’s strike: Here’s what happened in fewer than 13 words.

AI negotiations end writer’s strike: Here’s what happened in fewer than 13 words.

After nearly five months, the Writers Guild of America (WGA) has finally reached a settlement with Hollywood studios, marking the end of the writers strike. The strike was centered around concerns regarding the use of AI technology by the studios to potentially replace and undermine the work of writers. However, the new contract includes provisions that protect the rights of writers and establish limitations on the use of AI tools in the industry.

Under the new agreement, AI is prohibited from being used to write or rewrite scripts, and AI-generated content cannot be considered source material. This ensures that writers will not lose writing credits due to AI-generated content. While writers have the choice to use AI tools individually, studios are not allowed to mandate the use of specific AI tools during production, and they must inform writers if any AI-generated materials are being incorporated into their work. The WGA also reserves the right to assert that the exploitation of writers’ material to train AI is prohibited by the contract or other applicable laws.

The deal reached by the WGA sets a precedent for limitations on AI usage in creative professions and addresses the concerns raised by writers during the strike. Meanwhile, the actors union, SAG-AFTRA, continues to be on strike and has authorized a potential strike against the video game industry as well. SAG-AFTRA shares similar concerns about AI being used to undermine the creative work of its members. While the outcome of their contract negotiations is yet to be determined, the WGA’s agreement serves as a stepping stone toward protecting the rights and interests of creative professionals in the face of advancing AI technology.

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