The latest leak of the Samsung Galaxy S24 reveals the design of the upcoming phone through 360-degree renders. The renders suggest that the Galaxy S24 will feature a flat-edged look, departing from the rounded edges of its predecessors. The leaked images, released by renowned leaker Steve McFly in partnership with the website SmartPrix, showcase a design that closely resembles previous Galaxy phones, with three rear cameras aligned vertically. Additionally, the render indicates that the phone will have metal sides, resembling the metallic and flat sides seen on recent iPhones.
Notably, the render also reveals the presence of an ultra-wideband (UWB) antenna located on the side of the phone. This suggests that the antenna will be visible on the exterior of the Galaxy S24, instead of being concealed within the device like in previous models. Despite its accuracy in depicting the overall design, it should be noted that renders often prioritize design elements over material and color choices, which may not have been finalized by Samsung.
Furthermore, SmartPrix predicts that the dimensions of the Galaxy S24 will closely mirror those of its predecessor, the Galaxy S23. Additionally, the display is expected to feature a 6.1-inch AMOLED screen with a 120Hz refresh rate, indicating minimal changes compared to the Galaxy S23. In a separate leak, McFly also provided renders of the Samsung Galaxy S24 Plus, which showcased a similar design and metallic finish on the side frame. The leaked dimensions for the S24 Plus closely resemble those of the S23 Plus from the previous year.