Google is set to officially reveal its latest hardware releases, the Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro, along with the second-generation Pixel Watch on October 4. Recent leaks have provided details about the specs of the new Pixel phones, and now leaked information about the first-party cases for the devices has surfaced. The leaks confirm the existence of a Coral variant for the Pixel 8 and 8 Pro, similar to the Pixel 7a released earlier this year. The cases also indicate that there will be four color options for each model, made with recycled materials.
In addition to the case leak, there is exciting software news for the Pixel 8 series. Google is reportedly planning to offer up to seven years of updates for the new flagship duo, which is an unprecedented level of software support in the mobile industry. The leaks have also revealed other hardware details about the Pixel 8 series, such as increased storage capacities and a higher refresh rate on the 8 Pro. As for the Pixel Watch 2, leaks have provided information about its color variants and new watch bands. There are also rumors that Google may offer the Pixel Watch 2 for free with pre-orders of the Pixel 8 Pro.
Overall, the leaks have left little to the imagination, providing extensive details about the upcoming Google Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro phones, as well as the second-generation Pixel Watch. The leaked information about the first-party cases confirms the color options for the devices, while the software plans for the Pixel 8 series offer an unprecedented level of support. Additionally, the leaks about the Pixel Watch 2 suggest that Google may have some exciting perks for customers who pre-order the Pixel 8 Pro.