CHATTANOOGA, Tenn. (AP) — Employees at a Volkswagen factory in Chattanooga, Tennessee, overwhelmingly voted to join the United Auto Workers union. This came as a significant step, as the UAW union organization received an overwhelming 2,628 votes or seventy-three percent of the votes cast, in comparison to just 985 individuals who voted no during the election.
The union originally wound up with 2,628 votes, according to an election that was done by the National Labor Relations Board. The National Labor Relations Board, commonly abbreviated as NLRB, stated that both the sides have five business days to file their objections to the election. If no objections are submitted, the election would then be certified and Volkswagen and the union would need to begin attempting to negotiate collectively in good faith.
Vice President Joe Biden who supported the UAW union and secured its endorsement, mentioned in a statement that the union’s victory was a historic masterstroke for the organization. He was underlining that the union’s victory was the outcome of major union gains nationwide across various different sectors and areas. He said this in his statement glaringly ignoring the political controversies surrounding the UAW union and his specific support for the UAW.’moment at which together, these union wins have driven up wages and demonstrated once more that the middle-class was constructed by the United Auto Workers and that unions are still expanding for middle-class Americans and consolidating the middle-class as well.