Humane, a secretive company founded by ex-Apple employees, is set to reveal its first-ever consumer product known as the “AI Pin” after four years of teasers and statements. The wearable device is a voice-powered, hand-projecting AI gadget that will retail at $699, which is slightly less than flagship smartphones that the company aims to replace. The AI Pin will also require a $24 monthly “Humane Subscription” to access cellular data via T-Mobile’s network, cloud storage, and unlimited queries to its voice assistant.
Unveiled during a TED Talk, features reveal that the AI Pin will project a caller ID when there’s an incoming call and other various functions such as summarizing daily emails and identifying food and nutritional content. The wearable’s operating system, named Cosmos, will be supported by two magnetic clips that will double as battery packs. The company plans on fully launching the AI Pin at 12 p.m. ET (9 a.m. PT) on the following day, during which they will provide more insight into the product’s capabilities and features.
The Humane “AI Pin,” a hand-operated, voice-controlled AI device developed by former Apple employees, is set to unveil for sale following four years of teasers and statements. The wearable will retail at $699, with additional costs for a monthly subscription. It was unveiled in a TED Talk, showcasing a variety of digital features to simplify daily tasks, and two magnetic clips serving as battery packs to increase the wearable’s efficiency. With the release set for the next day, specifics on the product’s capabilities and attributes await future updates.