Unboxing videos of the upcoming Pixel 8 Pro phone have been leaked on the internet, revealing its design before its official release by Google. These images, shared by a Vietnamese Facebook page called Vật Vờ Studio, showcase the Pixel 8 Pro from multiple angles and also reveal the contents of its box, which include a USB-C to USB-C cable and a Quick Switch adapter. The images, reportedly taken in a factory, provide a detailed look at the phone’s rounded edges, flat screen, oblong-shaped camera cutout, and temperature sensor.
Rumored to have a 6.7-inch 120Hz Super Actua screen, the Pixel 8 Pro is expected to feature a new 48MP ultrawide camera, potentially solidifying its position as the best camera smartphone. It may also boast a larger 4,950mAh battery and faster 27W charging capability. While the base model’s price is speculated to be slightly higher, the Pro variant is anticipated to have a similar price as last year’s model. These leaks, originating from Vietnam, align with the country’s production role in the Pixel line, as previous unboxing videos have also emerged from Vietnam-based sources.
In conclusion, leaked unboxing videos of the Pixel 8 Pro have provided a comprehensive look at the phone’s design. The images reveal various key aspects such as the rounded edges, flat screen, oblong-shaped camera cutout, and temperature sensor. Additionally, the leaked information suggests that the Pixel 8 Pro may come with a 6.7-inch 120Hz Super Actua screen, a 48MP ultrawide camera, a larger battery, and faster charging capabilities. Despite these leaks occurring annually, Vietnam has become a notable source for this type of information due to its involvement in the production of Pixel phones.