Home Business NYC’s 11-day cloudy streak ended on Saturday with clear skies

NYC’s 11-day cloudy streak ended on Saturday with clear skies

NYC’s 11-day cloudy streak ended on Saturday with clear skies

After enduring 11 straight days of overcast, cloudy skies, New York finally saw the sun break through on Saturday, ending the gloomy streak. The National Weather Service is predicting clear, sunny weather to continue into the next week, providing a welcome change from the dreary conditions that had persisted since January 22. NWS meteorologist John Murray noted that the recent period of overcast skies had even surpassed that of notoriously gray Seattle, with New York experiencing 97.8% average daylight cloud cover compared to Seattle’s 93.3%.

The city’s return to sunny weather is a much-needed reprieve, as the overcast conditions had persisted for nearly two weeks. Heeding light on this change, Murray mentioned that the higher-than-normal temperatures that have been common in New York City as of recently will also stick around into next week, with highs generally ranging from the low-to-mid 40s. This break from the cloudy conditions has certainly been a cause for relief for New Yorkers, offering a welcome change and a glimpse of sunny days ahead after a prolonged period of cloud cover.

Despite the respite in New York City, the western part of the state, such as Buffalo, has experienced overcast or partly cloudy skies almost every single day in January, highlighting the contrast in weather patterns across different regions of New York. As New Yorkers embrace the return of clear, blue skies, they can look forward to enjoying the sunny weather and warmer temperatures in the days ahead.

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