A tragic accident on Interstate 5 in Chula Vista claimed the lives of a 67-year-old woman named Eileen Crawford and a 16-year-old high school student named Ryder Shoup. Crawford, who was battling cancer and undergoing radiation treatments, inadvertently entered the southbound lanes of the highway, leading to a head-on collision with Shoup’s Dodge Challenger. The community mourns the loss of both individuals, with Shoup remembered as a vibrant and athletic teenager with a contagious smile.
The California Highway Patrol responded to multiple calls reporting a wrong-way driver before the fatal crash occurred, engulfing Shoup’s vehicle in flames. Both drivers were unable to escape and died at the scene, prompting an investigation into the cause of the accident. The South Bay area has seen a series of wrong-way crashes in recent years, prompting safety measures such as LED signs and reflective pavement to prevent such tragedies in the future. Authorities are awaiting toxicology reports to determine if alcohol or drugs played a role in the collision.
The devastating impact of the accident has rippled through the community, with friends and family members expressing shock and sorrow over the loss of Crawford and Shoup. The city of Imperial Beach, where Shoup resided and participated in community programs, issued a heartfelt statement expressing condolences to his loved ones. As investigations continue and details emerge, authorities are urging anyone with information about the crash to contact the San Diego CHP to assist in the ongoing inquiry.