Home Business Blue Origin’s Sierra Space Orbital Reef space station no longer in uncertainty.

Blue Origin’s Sierra Space Orbital Reef space station no longer in uncertainty.

Blue Origin’s Sierra Space Orbital Reef space station no longer in uncertainty.

The partnership between Blue Origin and Sierra Space for the development of the Orbital Reef space station is facing uncertainty, according to sources. While the companies had initially announced the project as a co-led effort, updates on the Orbital Reef have been scarce in the past year. It is now likely that Blue Origin and Sierra Space will separate and discontinue their joint efforts on the space station. Other projects, such as Blue Origin’s Blue Moon lunar lander and Sierra Space’s Dream Chaser spaceplane, have taken higher priority for the companies.

Blue Origin had won a $130 million contract from NASA for design work on the private space station shortly after unveiling the Orbital Reef project. Sierra is a subcontractor under this contract. While there have been no plans to transfer or end the NASA contract, the resources of both companies have been focused on their individual projects. The website for the Orbital Reef project has not provided any updates in over a year, and job openings related to the project have disappeared from the companies’ careers websites. Despite these developments, Sierra has continued to test and develop its LIFE habitat, a component of the Orbital Reef architecture.

The potential separation of Blue Origin and Sierra Space in relation to the Orbital Reef project is not unusual in the aerospace industry. Changes in company partnerships and involvement can occur in the early phases of such projects. Other companies are also working on building private space stations, creating competition in the field. For Blue Origin, its lunar lander program and the development of its rockets and engines have become more significant priorities. Similarly, Sierra Space is focusing on the initial cargo flight of its Dream Chaser spaceplane and has raised funds for its projects.

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