Apple is gearing up to introduce a new lineup of Macs equipped with M4 processors, focusing on enhancing artificial intelligence capabilities, as per a report by Bloomberg’s Mark Gurman. The M4-powered Macs are expected to start rolling out later in the year, with the full lineup slated for release by early 2025. This move follows Apple’s recent launch of the first MacBook Pro with an M3 chip, indicating the company’s swift progress in advancing its hardware offerings.
In response to the competitive landscape of AI-powered PCs and a slowdown in Mac sales, Apple is set to emphasize the AI-processing capabilities of the upcoming M4 chip. The development of the M4 chip highlights Apple’s commitment to innovation and staying ahead in the tech industry. With rival products incorporating AI technology, Apple is strategically positioning itself to meet the evolving demands of consumers for efficient and intelligent computing solutions.
The M4 chip is anticipated to be available in three distinct tiers, with codenames Donan, Brava, and Hidra. Apple is rumored to integrate the Donan chip in entry-level devices such as the MacBook Pro, MacBook Air, and lower-end Mac Mini models. The mid-tier Brava chip is expected to feature in higher-spec MacBook Pros, Mac Minis, and the Mac Studio, while the top-tier Hidra chip is reserved for the Mac Pro, catering to users with demanding computing needs.