LG has unveiled its first foldable laptop, joining ASUS and Lenovo in the growing market. The LG Gram Fold features a 17-inch OLED touchscreen that can be used as a tablet or a computer when unfolded. It comes with a QXGA+ resolution when used solely as a display and can be linked to a Bluetooth keyboard for use as a workstation. The device also supports stylus pens for artistic and creative projects. LG claims it can withstand 30,000 folds without damage to the display. The laptop is powered by a 13th generation Intel Core i5 processor and runs on Windows 11. It is set to be released in October in Korea, priced at 4.99 million won ($3,700), with a discount for the first 200 customers.
The LG Gram Fold is joining the increasingly popular foldable laptop market, following in the footsteps of brands like ASUS and Lenovo. With a 17-inch OLED touchscreen, the device can be used as a tablet or a full-fledged computer. Users can enjoy a high-resolution display and even connect it to a Bluetooth keyboard for a more traditional workstation experience. The device is also stylus-friendly, catering to artists and creatives who prefer a tablet-like interface. LG claims that the laptop can endure 30,000 folds without any damage to the display, showcasing its durability. Running on a 13th generation Intel Core i5 processor and Windows 11, the LG Gram Fold is a strong contender in the foldable laptop market. However, at 4.99 million won ($3,700), it remains a relatively expensive option. Nevertheless, the first 200 customers can take advantage of a discounted price of 3.99 million won ($2,959) and even receive a free mouse and stylus as a bonus.
The LG Gram Fold is set to make its debut in October, though initially only in Korea. It presents a more affordable alternative compared to HP’s $5,000 Spectre Fold. Early buyers can enjoy a limited-time offer that includes a discounted price and free accessories. However, it is worth noting that the mouse and stylus will not be included in shipments after the launch. With its sleek design and impressive features, the LG Gram Fold aims to capture the attention of consumers seeking a versatile and innovative computing device. As the market for foldable laptops continues to expand, LG’s entry adds another option for users looking for a flexible and powerful computing experience.