Apple has acknowledged that some users have been experiencing issues with the new iPhone models running warmer than expected. The company has identified a bug in the iOS 17 software as one of the causes and has stated that it will be fixed in a future update. Apple also mentioned that the increased background activity during the initial setup or device restoration can contribute to the device feeling warmer.
In addition, Apple has pinpointed recent updates to third-party apps as another issue leading to the overload of the system. Among the apps causing the problem are Asphalt 9, Meta’s Instagram, and Uber. However, Instagram has already resolved the issue with a fix released on September 27. Apple assures customers that this issue does not pose a safety or long-term performance risk and that the design of the iPhone 15 Pro and Pro Max actually enables improved heat dissipation compared to previous models.
Overall, Apple is actively working on addressing the warmth issue by releasing bug fixes and collaborating with app developers to resolve the problems with third-party apps. The company emphasizes that this issue is not widespread and will not affect the overall performance or safety of the iPhones.